YMCA Camp Clay themes help to make your camper’s experience more fresh and fun each week. Theme activities are sprinkled into the schedule throughout the week and they may include craft activities, active games, or we may take a traditional camp activity and put a theme twist on it! Check out our theme activities and descriptions below!

Hey there all you bookworms! It’s time to jump out of your school books and into summer with your favorite YMCA Camp Clay Day Camp. Join us this week for a different kind of literary experience! Through the use of books and silliness, we will learn different lessons and games to kick off our 2024 summer!
WEEK 2: (June 10-14) ART WEEK
Do you like Drawing? Crafts? Art Shows? Come on out this week and let your creativity flow! We want to see who you are through art, using your creative expression to decorate our very own Camp Clay! We’ll have games, paint with obscure things, an art show, and a major camp-wide art project!
WEEK 3: (June 17-21) COLOR WARS
It’s time for a little team competition! Campers will split into teams and compete against each other alongside their counselors! At the end of the week we will reveal the true color that really shined through! We hope that color is yours!
We’re turning back time for this special week! Campers will get a chance to uncover fossils, play dino games, and travel back in time with us for an immersive learning experience!
WEEK 5: (July 8-12) “CARNIVAL WEEK”
Have you ever been jibbed by a carnival game? Well here at carnival camp everyone is a winner! This week we will learn to work together and separately to achieve our carnival prizes!
WEEK 6: (July 15-19) MESSY WEEK
Do you have what it takes to explore different types of messiness? From imagination to hard science. Come join us for a fun week of messy explosions and fun activities during this messy week of discovery!
WEEK 7: (July22-26) WET N WILD!
Come take a splash at Camp Clay! In this wet and wild week of fun we will enjoy water activities! Each day is a different bucket of fun and an opportunity to make friends! Row your boats on down to Camp Clay this summer!
WEEK 8: (July 29-Aug 2) PIRATE WEEK
ARGGGG MATEYS!!!! This week of camp, campers will get the chance to experience the joys to being a pirate! From crafting pirate accessories to use in skits and plays to treasure maps and buried treasures. We hope you come join us in all our pirate games!
Act your way into the end of the summer with our theatre camp! Improv, skits, acting, dancing, songs, the works!! EXPRESS your talent at the end of the week with a POP-Up talent show, lots of our favorite games, and an awards show to wrap us all up.
Our last week of summer! We’re inviting our older campers (ages 10-12) for 3 days of overnight camp .Campers will learn to work together in games like a family while also learning some things from the land during the days! Then at night...NIGHT HIKES, skits and s’mores by the fire! We hope you join us in an old fashion family camp! (Max # of 15)